Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia is the Portuguese public agency that supports science, technology and innovation, in all scientific domains, under responsibility of the Ministry for Science, Technology and Higher Education. FCT aims to establish Portugal as a global reference in science, technology and innovation, ensuring that knowledge generated by scientific research is used fully for economic growth and the well-being of all citizens. Within that vision, FCT continuously promotes the advancement of knowledge in science and technology in Portugal, to attain the highest international standards in quality and competitiveness, in all scientific and technological domains, and encourage its dissemination and contribution to society. FCT ensures Portugal’s participation in international scientific organisations, fosters the participation of the scientific community in international projects, and promotes knowledge transfer between R&D centres and industry.
The ANI – Agência Nacional de Inovação, SA, aims to develop actions to support technological and business innovation in Portugal, contributing to the consolidation of the National Innovation System (NIS) and to strengthening the competitiveness of the national economy in global markets.
ANI is responsible for pursuing the guidelines for a technological and business innovation strategy for Portugal, 2018-2030 (in accordance with RCM 25/2018). In particular, its remit includes stimulating private investment in research and development (R&D), promoting partnerships between science & technology system and business entities, and increasing international programme participation by the national science & technology system’s companies and entities, specifically Higher Education Institutions and Interface Centres. This is all aimed at promoting their skills & competences, and the results of the innovation support policy.

Direção-Geral do Ensino Superior (DGES) is a central service under the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education whose mission is to ensure the design, implementation and coordination of higher education policies.
In line with its commitment to shaping the future of higher education, namely with regard to courses and institutions, access to higher education, student support, recognition of foreign degrees and diplomas, and internationalisation, DGES works to promote mobility and give the floor to Portuguese higher education in many institutions and committees, within the EU, the Bologna Process, the OECD and the Council of Europe. DGES also participates in the Education and Training 2020 Working Group and follows the implementation and management of the Erasmus+ Programme in Portugal.
The Portuguese Space Agency is a private, not-for-profit organization, created by the Portuguese Government, as the most modern space agency in the world. The Agency has as its primary purpose to promote and strength space, its ecosystem and value chain in Portugal for the benefit of society and economies in the country and worldwide, acting as a business and development unit for universities, research entities and companies. Fostering space economy and innovation in Portugal requires diversifying and articulating funding sources and the target of attracting 2500 million Euros for 2020-2030 with a 50/50 balance between public and private sectors, including national and European, public and private sources in space-related activities in Portugal has been set. The national strategy for space, “Portugal Space 2030”, sets the fields of focus Earth Observation, Space Safety, Space Transportation, and Telecommunications, including related downstream activities, working towards the vision for Portugal – an Atlantic nation, with a rich and global maritime tradition – to be recognised, by 2030, as a global authority in the science and economics of Space-Earth-Climate-Oceans interactions for the benefit of society and economy.

AICIB – Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovation Agency
The Agency for Clinical Research and Biomedical Innovationv (AICIB) coordinates and supports activities in the field of clinical and translational research and biomedical innovation, contributing to Portugal’s clinical, scientific and technological potential. It is the goal of AICIB to foster cooperation between health care units, scientific and academic institutions and other relevant stakeholders in order to create value for the patients and for the health systems and to contribute to the knowledge economy in the area of health.
Ciência Viva is a national agency for the promotion of initiatives for the public awareness of Science and Technology in Portugal, whose associate bodies include public institutions and research laboratories.
Ciência Viva has extensive experience in establishing partnerships with researchers in initiatives aiming at improving science education in elementary and secondary education schools.
In the last 10 years our team has taken part in 22 projets within two European Frameworks.
Ciência Viva is responsible for the creation of a national network of 20 interactive Science Centres, all of them operating in close collaboration with universities and local authorities.

Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação (AN E+ EF)
The Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação (AN E+ EF) is the mission structure responsible for ensuring the management of the Erasmus+ programme in the fields of education and training, including higher education and post-secondary training. Applicants and participant organisations can rely on AN E+ EF to navigate and make the most of the many opportunities the Erasmus + Education and Training Programme has to offer.