July 16, 2021
EU-Africa cooperation on research and innovation: one-stop-shops
Commission launched one-stop-shops for EU-Africa cooperation in research and innovation

The European Commission launched two new platforms, the EU-Africa (EU-AU) cooperation in research and innovation (R&I) portal and the EU-Mediterranean cooperation in R&I portal to provide one-stop-shops for all policy-makers and stakeholders interested in EU-Africa cooperation on research and innovation.  They are part of the cooperation initiatives announced in the EU Global Approach to Research and Innovation and the EU comprehensive strategy with Africa. These initiatives also include the call for applications of the EU’s African Research Initiative for Scientific Excellence (ARISE) pilot programme and the Horizon-2020 funded project ENRICH in Africa. The latter builds on the work and the numerous established tech hub linkages of the Africa Europe Innovation Partnership (AEIP) and creates a network that strengthens and connects the EU and Africa ecosystems.

Portal de entrada/Fonte: https://ec.europa.eu/info/news/commission-launch-one-stop-shops-eu-africa-cooperation-research-and-innovation-2021-jun-30_en