March 23, 2022
Commission invites regions and communities to join the Mission Adaptation to Climate Change

The Commission has launched an invitation to EU regions and communities to join the EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change.

survey is now available for regions and communities to express their interest in joining the Mission. It also seeks to understand the key issues and challenges faced by local and regional authorities in the EU in adapting to the impacts of climate change.
Once the replies to the survey have been analysed, regions and communities that demonstrate commitment to adaptation will be invited to sign a Mission Charter. Participation in the survey is open and non-competitive. All applications received will be evaluated accordingly.

The Mission’s objective is to support 150 regions and communities to accelerate their transformation towards climate resilience by helping them understand, prepare for and manage climate-induced risks.
Joining the Mission will put the regions and communities right at the forefront of innovation in Europe’s transition to becoming a more resilient continent.
The issue of adapting to the changing climate and becoming more resilient to its effects has gained very strong momentum, both at global and European level. The EU Adaptation Strategy sets out how we can better prepare for the unavoidable climate impacts and extreme weather events.
The EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change Mission contributes to putting the strategy in practice on the ground in EU regions and communities, as they are best placed to deploy tailor-made solutions that address their specific local climate vulnerabilities.
Questions and answers

You can find out more about the Mission Adaptation here.