February 03, 2022
Student Housing: innovation and quality in the construction of student residences

It was published the notice for the presentation of “Expressions of Interest” within the scope of the financing of the “Programa Nacional para o Alojamento no Ensino Superior – PNAES”, through the Recovery and Resilience Plan – PRR.

With the objective of providing an integrated and long-term response to the needs of affordable accommodation for higher education students throughout the national territory, the Government created an investment program dedicated to student accommodation, within the scope of the Recovery and Resilience Plan, as a funder of the “Programa Nacional para o Alojamento no Ensino Superior – PNAES.

The Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education and the National Agency Erasmus+ Education and Training, within the scope of their attributions, launched the invitation for the presentation of “expressions of interest” by the promoters for the presentation of proposals for residence projects for students of the higher education.

To publicize this financing programme, the Agência Nacional Erasmus+ Educação e Formação, with the support of the Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, (LNEC) and the Agência Nacional para a Inovação (ANI), will hold two sessions to publicize the notice as well as create a space for debate and presentation of case studies by companies involved in innovative construction solutions.

These sessions will take place on February 4, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, at LNEC’s facilities, in Lisbon, and on February 8, from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, at ANI’s premises, in Porto.

This notice, which has the deadline for submitting proposals on February 28, is open to Public Higher Education Institutions, Municipalities, and other local and regional entities, among others.

For more information consult www.pnaes.pt