July 16, 2021
Webinar | Digital Erasmus
The national higher education institutions participated in the webinar promoted by the Portuguese Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency, dedicated to Erasmus Digital and Erasmus Without Paper (EWP).

Around 160 participants, representing 84 national higher education institutions, watched the webinar | erasmusdigital | erasmus without paper, a session chaired by the director of the National Erasmus+ Agency, Cristina Perdigão, were the future of digital information among European higher education institutions and its importance was discussed.

Gustavo Alva-Rosa, Digital Officer of the Erasmus+ National Agency, presented the national panorama and the paths that we will have to follow in the context of digital transformation. João Bacelar, representing the European University Foundation, the entity responsible for implementing the Erasmus Without Paper project and for the European Student Identifier gave us the latest information about these projects, phases and their implementation in Higher Education Institutions. Finally, we had the intervention of Ana Pinto, FCCN – Foundation for Science and Technology, who came to present her services and connection to eduGAIN.

If you didn’t have the opportunity to watch the webinar, see the full recording available on the Agência Nacional’s Youtube page.

Note: This webinar was hold in Portuguese.