Cluster 5 Climate, Energy and Mobility

The intersection of research and innovation on climate, energy and mobility will address in a highly integrated and effective way, one of the most important global challenges for the sustainability and future of our environment, economy and way of life.

To meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement the EU will need to transition to climate neutral, resource-efficient and resilient economies and societies. This will entail profound changes in technology, processes, products and services, to the ways in which businesses and consumers behave. The transformation of the energy market will take place through interaction of technology, infrastructure, the market as well as policy and regulatory frameworks, including new forms of governance. Pursuing efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5°C, requires rapid progress in decarbonising the energy, transport, buildings, industrial and agriculture sectors. New impetus is needed to accelerate the pace of developing next-generation breakthroughs as well as demonstrating and deploying cost-efficient innovative technologies and solutions, using also the opportunities provided by digital, bio and space technologies, as well as key enabling technologies and advanced materials. This will be pursued through an integrated approach encompassing decarbonisation, resource efficiency, improved recovery, reuse and recycling, reduction of air pollution, access to raw materials and circular economy in Horizon Europe.

Activities under this Cluster will directly support the EU’s political priorities in the fields of climate, energy and mobility, and will contribute to the creation of more and better jobs, accelerating industrial transformation and generating inclusive growth based on innovation.

Areas of Intervention of Cluster 5

  • Climate Science and Solutions
  • Energy Supply
  • Energy Systems and Grids
  • Buildings and Industrial Facilities in Energy Transition
  • Communities and Cities
  • Industrial Competitiveness in Transport
  • Clean, Safe and Accessible Transport and Mobility
  • Smart Mobility

European partnerships within Cluster 5

As in Horizon 2020, some of the areas that are now part of this Cluster will be financed through partnerships considered strategic. The list of partnerships planned for Cluster 5 is as follows:

  • Transforming Europe’s rail system
  • Integrated Air Traffic Management
  • Clean Aviation
  • Clean Hydrogen
  • People-centric sustainable built environment (Built4People)
  • Towards zero-emission road transport (2ZERO)
  • Connected and Automated Driving (CCAM)
  • Zero-emission waterborne transport
  • Industrial Battery Value Chain
  • Driving urban transitions to a sustainable future (DUT)
  • Clean Energy Transition (CET)


One of the main novelties of Horizon Europe is the introduction of missions; high-ambition, high-profile initiatives which will put forward concrete solutions to challenges facing European citizens and societies.

Missions are currently in the process of being defined within five areas:

  • Adaptation to climate change including societal transformation
  • Cancer
  • Healthy oceans, seas, coastal and inland waters
  • Climate-neutral and smart cities
  • Soil health and food

Accomplishing missions will require a cross-cutting approach, drawing on research and innovation activities defined not only through individual Clusters, but across Horizon Europe and beyond. Research and innovation activities within this Cluster thus have the potential to support missions in all of the above-mentioned areas.